Community Life

  • Convention Delegates
    This group is elected by our congregation to participate at our diocesan convention each year.
  • Daughters of the King
    This prayer ministry meets once a month to review and pray for those in need.
  • Dinner Groups
    These are different groups of people who meet regularly for dinner.
  • Girlfriends Unlimited Women’s Ministry / Steering Committee
    a. Lit 'n' Latte
    This group meets to discuss books over coffee.
    b. Sew & Sews
    This group makes quilts for others.
    c. Reflections Women's Group
    This group of women meets to discuss books and the Bible.
    d. Women's Retreat
    This group plans the day retreats and overnight retreats.
  • Hospital Ministry
    This group visits and prays for people in the hospitals.
  • Men’s Coffee
    This group meets weekly at Dazbog Coffee for fellowship and discussion.
  • Newcomer Ministry
    This group helps to welcome and incorporate our guests into this community.
  • Parish Life
    This group helps with food and hospitality for parish events (special meetings, weddings, funerals, etc.).
  • Prayer Ministry
    This group prays weekly for people’s requests.
  • Veterans Ministry
    This group manages our ministry to veterans.